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How to Live an Enchanted Life

We all want to live an enchanted life - a life filled with magical moments that thrill us. So why does it sometimes feel so hard? If enchantment is elusive, does that mean we're stuck waiting for the magic to strike? Or is there something more we can do to make it happen? Read on to find out.

A romantic picturesque photo of the eiffel tower in Paris with the word "How to have an enchanted life" emblazoned over the top


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Happy Friday, my Friend!

You know, you always remember the moments of Enchantment in your life...

  • Your first time in Paris.

  • Your first grown up party with champagne & lots of flirting.

  • A magical moment of Christmas shopping when the snow started to fall

  • Your very first love letter from someone passionately, poetically into you.

  • The moment your baby first smiled at you & suddenly it was worth all the work, & you *really* fell in love with them.

Most of us spend our lives chasing these magical moments, trying to find the enchantment yet again.

Photo collage of enchanted moments, a golden field of wheat against the cobalt blue of an ocean, two friends laughing while riding bikes, a ferris wheel against a unbelievably blue sky, a picnic laid on a beach

But that’s the thing about enchantment, it often happens when you aren’t expecting it.

It can’t be recreated, bought or borrowed from others. Oh, you can set the scene of your first kiss up again, you can go back to Paris, re-book that honeymoon suite.

But you can’t remake the magic. Enchantment is a distinctly not on-demand experience.

And yet...

It’s also not entirely out of our hands.

Enchantment is elusive, but we can definitely do things to invite it back into our lives again and again.

In fact, there’s a wonderful quote I can longer find that says:

The opposite of the enchanted is the menial.

The menial is being stuck on autopilot, with a schedule crammed full of well-intentioned, but boring as all get out “to-do’s” and leaving room for nothing else.

It’s constant hustling and straining for more, more, more. More achievement, more things, less time. It’s when we hide out in our routine and pretend we can’t possibly make time for anything more.

Enchantment won’t happen on a schedule. But it also won’t happen if you never make room for it. And if you never put yourself in the way of an adventure, it won’t happen either.

So how do we find it?

Well, here’s the best recipe I know of…

1. Don’t try to recreate the magic, instead take trips down memory lane to remember it often. The enchantment of the past still exists in your memories, but let's keep it there & make way for the new memories to make.

2. Other people’s ideas of a good time won’t work for you… Spend time imagining what sounds deliciously fun for you, and you alone. Enchantment is most enticed when we are having fun.

3. Make space in your schedule to meander, to go on vacation, to hold hands, to journal, to read books, see friends… to reconnect to your life, yourself and your people. Enchantment can’t happen in the midst of hustle.

4. Enchantment seems to happen more often in new spaces and places. So put yourself in the way of adventures — get out of your house and routine. Make yourself a little uncomfortable on the regular in ways that delight you.

And last, realize there are no guarantees with enchantment.

So let go of expectation, & being willing to settle for the simple pleasure of a good time.

Not every moment can be enchanted, or those special ones filled with magic would never be as good.

And on that note... let's get inspired!


1 Quote


“Watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.

Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”

— Roald Dahl


2 Inspiration


Click below for inspiration from designer Bulgari about Unexpected Wonder

(because isn't that what enchantment really is?)

"To lose yourself. Then find yourself again. To travel without moving… To enjoy what’s precious. To discover unexpected wonders."

After watching, pull out your journal & ask yourself:

"Where do I slow down enough in my life in order to be able to find unexpected wonders?

Is there time to meander? To enjoy what's precious? To remember the past? To look to the future? To discover those unexpected wonders?"


"Am I looking for the wonder in my life?"


3 Weekly Way to Play

A beautifully laid out picnic, with croissants, a blue and white striped blanket, a wicker picknet basket, and flowers!

Choose Your Own Enchanted Adventure

How about we keep it simple this week? Here are 5 simple, delicious, fun ways to meander, to adventure & most of all to find unexpected wonder. Simply pick one:

  • Pack a picnic for lunch. Go somewhere beautiful to eat it.

  • Skip dinner, go to the movies instead, right after work, meet a friend.

  • Have your morning coffee in a brand new spot (outside maybe?) Bring your journal, imagine your best future...

  • Wear an unexpected shade of lipstick, let it convince you to flirt more, smile and wink more. Let it bring out unexpected sides to you.

  • Go into an intriguing store you never have before. A magic store, a vintage mall, a stationary store... Meander, see what calls to you.


Find ways this week to invite in the magic & the enchantment. Be open to unexpected wonder, & willing to slow down for it.

And with that, I'm off! I will see you all next week!

Much love & enchantment to you all,


Desiree Sommer


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Desirée Sommer is an Interior Designer & Writer dedicated to helping those around her to

Beautify, Style & make their lives Fun again!

She happily resides in the rural beauty of Idaho with her pet pooch Bree, where she gets to take epic hikes, and plot her next big travel escapade.



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