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3 min read
The Easiest way to start Enjoying Your Life more, no matter where you are in it!
How to make a life you love & really enjoy it? It’s all about getting creative in your life, and pouring your unique style into...

2 min read
Friday Love Note: You are Enough, right now...
Life itself is extraordinary, and so you are! Sometimes in the effort to be more and do more, achieve more and get to the next level, we...

3 min read
The Art of How to Enjoy Your Life (HINT: It's not in striving for more OR in joining another program, buying another self help book).
We spend so much time & effort trying to get to the good life, we rarely consider taking some time off to enjoy the good we've already...

3 min read
The Art of Feminine Living ( & why we all need it in this über-ambitious culture )
Tired of nothing but hustle culture? Girl bossing and competition is over-rated when it's not paired up with the other side of life --...

4 min read
The Art of Being Playful
It's all too easy to get caught up in being serious as an adult, and far too easy to lose are sense of joy and playfulness. How do we...

5 min read
Fix Burn Out for Good with this Coaching Hack (even if your Exhausted or Depressed)
Think burn out and depression, is just a sign of getting older? That it's inevitable for women of a certain age, or after having kids? ...

3 min read
This ONE SECRET could change Everything for you & make your life Fun & Profitable again...
Give you more energy, self-love and infinitely more FUN & power in your own life. EVEN if you are too burnt-out, tired or lazy to do one...

2 min read
What's the very First Coaching Session like?
A lot of people want to know, "What is coaching like?" And what's the first session, especially going to be like? If you've never been...

3 min read
The Art of Being Lighthearted (even when it's dark outside)
How to make time to find the light, and reach for uplift during good times or bad, calm or even the chaotic. We can't count on the...

4 min read
You aren't Unmotivated or Depressed, You have this sneaky voice in your head sabotaging you.
Been feeling a little down or cranky? Can't put your finger on your crappy mood and feelings? Not accomplishing like you usually do? ...

4 min read
We want Love, but rarely let it all the way in... especially self-love.
The quest of love is to learn how to let it all the way in, all the way down to even to the "ugly" parts.

3 min read
The Gift in that Bad Habit… And why you aren’t able to stop doing it.
A lot of people struggle to stop bad habits even as they realize how destructive they are, from smoking to procrastinating to having a...

3 min read
What to do when you wonder: What the heck is WRONG with me?!?!"
Ever had that thought? And maybe more than once? Do you know what's driving that thought? You might be surprised! Â Read on to find out...

4 min read
Red Velvet Ropes make the best boundaries
And here's why... read down below for more on my Thursday Thoughts this week. Recently, I had a client who reminded me of this: Red...

7 min read
9 Ways to Build Happiness into Your Life ( because who doesn't want to be happier? )
Being happy isn't about luck, or waiting around for circumstances to go your way. No matter how good things get, if we're waiting to be...

5 min read
Happiness is within reach ( if you just know where to look...)
We all could use more happiness in our lives, and yet how often do we end up missing the mark and wondering what happened? Or worse,...

6 min read
Who Gets Under Your Skin? ( & How can you use it to get more love? )
Who irritates you? Who gets under your skin? We all have a knack for attracting a certain kind of person to us, that we just can't seem...

5 min read
The Love you Really Need ( & How to Get it ) ...
We all know about the importance of love, and loving yourself, by now. But as much as people extol us to run bubble baths, and write...
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