As an Interior Designer, I can tell you something most people overlook about creating a life they love, whether that's feeling good daily or to create a dream or two. Your surroundings and home decor count. Surprised? Well, it's true...
In good times & in bad getting a grip on your home decor, and having fun while doing it can be just the thing you need! Read on to find out more...

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Ah, beautiful surroundings.... What could be more inviting?
As an interior designer in another life, I do love to decorate.
But, you know, I don't know a human alive who doesn't enjoy a little tinkering around with their home decor.
Even the most reticent home decorators usually enjoy putting at least a few flourishing touches on their "home sweet home."
When we're happy and nesting, playing around with the decor can make us feel more confident & more joyful.
But even when we're having a rough time or struggling a little bit, our decor can help us find solace, & create momentum.
And lately, I've been having a few interesting "off" weeks in my life...
Maybe it's the six planets in retrograde. Maybe it's hormones. Maybe it's the weeks of endlessly smokey weather & the sinus congestion/headache that have followed it...
Or... Maybe it's' just life... :)
Whatever it is, I've noticed I always take comfort in the things I can control when my outer world goes awry.
Like my inner world, & that definitely includes my home.

Sorting & sifting through belongings & recreating order, helps me to gain clarity on my next new steps.
Decorating a space has me asking important questions about what I love, and what I'd like more of in my life, and what I can let go of... What's heavy or not "me" anymore?
All of which is reminding me that:
There are few joys in life that compare to having a home that is a delight to our souls.
A home that reflects back to us the beauty of who we are, who we’ve been, and who we are, at last, becoming. That brings closer the things we long to draw near.
And however old or young we are, whether it's a time of joy in our lives, or a difficult phase we're going through, we all have things we long for...
Joy & Delight.
Fun & Connection.
Joie de Vivre & Simple ( or rich ) Pleasures.
We all have dreams, and desires.
Our homes, I've found, can help with that.
So this week lets take a joyful, playful look at how use our homes to focus & bring in more of our dreams & desires. Let's get good at curating surroundings that make us feel consciously the way we want to.
And with that, are you ready to play?
Then let's get to it!
1 Inspiration
“We ordinarily think of personal style ( how you dress, how you decorate, what colors, foods, movies & music, and books you like ) as something that ‘doesn’t matter’ — fun, but rather trivial and optional.
Style seems like the last place you’d be likely to find the key to success. Just because it isn’t considered ‘important,’ style is the biggest field of free play and free choice left to you. The one ‘safe’ area society has left free from expectations or consequences.”
— Barbara Sher
2 Journal
Pull out a journal, put on some beautiful music, light a candle & ask yourself:
What have I been longing for more of in my life? How do I want to feel in my home? What emotions and feelings do I want to experience when I'm home? &
What are 3 simple ways I could create those feelings & things I have been longing for in my home?
3 Weekly Way to Play

Style Inquire
Pretend you are private eye and investigate your home. Take in the bookshelves, open the drawers and cabinets with fresh eyes & ask yourself, what kind of person lives here?
Is this someone with a passion for film noire? Do they adore reading books from Paris & France?
If you had to guess, what is this woman like? Feminine & light? Earthy and sensual? Modern and elegant?
Next, do you like those words? Does that resonate with you or is there something you would like better? Was something off-kilter or out of character for how you want to see yourself?
Finally, pick a spot and elevate it. Take out the stuff that doesn't feel like you, and add something that shows off how you do want to be seen. Have fun, and keep playing with that spot until you get something that delights you.
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And I will let you in on a little Interior Designer's Secret...
Designers are amazing, don't get me wrong, but if you've ever been in a magazine \ready room and felt like it was off, or a home that was perfectly decorated, but it felt clinical & cold, it's probably because it was designed without considering the people living in it.
Something magical happens when we start to imbue our homes with our own dreams & desires.
When we start to create spaces that evoke the feelings we want to curate in our lives & that we want to be known for.
They become "ours." They start to reflect our very own souls. Probably because dreams and desires are the stuff our souls are made of.... And no interior designer in the world can give you that. Only you can.
I am wishing that for all of you this week, that you look around and start to see a home becoming as beautiful as you are.
All my love,
Desiree Sommer

Desirée Sommer is an Interior Designer & Writer dedicated to helping those around her to Beautify, Style & make their lives Fun again! She happily resides in the rural beauty of Idaho with her pet pooch Bree, where she gets to take epic hikes, and plot her next big travel escapade. Her favorite things are traveling, film & anything French or Italian. Oh, and dancing! Always dancing!
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