It’s the muddy, messy, sometimes all-wet beginnings that eventually bring us to full bloom. And April, like no other month entices us to go ahead, jump right in & get messy.

We all know that “April showers bring May flowers”, and what a beautiful reminder to us all that it’s the muddy, messy, sometimes all-wet beginnings that eventually bring us to full bloom. And April, like no other month entices us to get messy, to get muddy, to get foolish, and maybe most importantly, to get started.
For April, let’s all be willing to let go of adult things for a little while. For the joy of it. Ditch the scratchy, starched and stodgy suits, and equally, all those uptight “rules” of behavior you have for yourself, and just let go. Have fun again. Play a little. Dare I even say it? Make a beautiful, beautiful mess.
April, is after all, the month for splashing in puddles, for breathless kisses in the rain, for laughing until your sides hurt, and you’re begging for breath, for catching frogs, and for peddling your bike like crazy up and over that dirt mound until it feels like you’re flying.
And also, April is for folly, for rushing in where angels fear to tread with no worries, for foolish leaps of faith, that sometimes pay off big, and for “All-in” playing.
Because if we’re going to live our best lives, if we’re going to have fun doing it, and if we’re going to go after some dreams, we’re going to have to be willing to be the beginner. To have skinned knees, and look a little foolish doing it.
And what better feminine archetype to encompass all of that, then the Ingenue. The Ingenue is the unworldly, unsophisticated woman, with startling childlike wonder & fresh perspectives. She is both artless and very charming. She lives within us each of us, no matter our age, and she brings fresh air and new life to all our endeavors.
She’s who we all embody when we’re just beginning, and like us, she’s all heart, but maybe not yet, equal wisdom. Wisdom, after all, isn’t what we’re born with, it’s what we learn with experience. But no worries, because the Ingenue within us all, is just as adept of getting out of scrapes, as she is in getting into them. And ultimately, she teaches us, there are no bad experiences, just really great stories. Eventually.