A curated list just for you on the all the summer essentials you need to make the most of your end of summer & to relive those carefree teenage days of summer vacation... Remember trying to make the most of the last days of that freedom before you were back in school?
How about we make the most of the feeling as an adult, now that we can fully enjoy it?

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Pssst.... You can listen to this Love note by clicking play below:
Happy Friday Gorgeous! Noticing anything new? Because We’re switching things up in here! For the last Friday of every month we're keeping it fun and fresh, with a themed list of Five Fave Things!
And this week..? This week it's all about my favorite season of the year: Summer. But not just summer, oh no, we're now entering the deep cut of summer. And with the last days of summer approaching I can’t help but think back to summers past, when I was tween and then a teenager. Vacation was winding down, the days were sticky hot & so was the asphalt as the carnival hit town.
I think about eating ice cream with my friends, & it melting almost before I can taste it. Laughing in flip flops with wildly painted toes as we stand in line for the Ferris wheel. The scent of elephant ears and jelly donuts in the air, as we giggle about crushes & terrible teachers & our mostly failed summer romances.
Your memories of teenage summer years maybe different, but the essence of it -- summer and freedom and a riotous good time are universal to us all. And no matter my age, no matter how grown up and adult-like I get, this is still the time of year that can turn me into a kid again.
The end of summer makes me want to lap it up and make the very most of every last bit freedom & sunshine. I always hope at the end of it, when the first leaves start to turn and the morning air gets crisp, that I can look back at my last weeks of summer and know I made the most of it, that I can say: "It's been one blur of fun." — Lily Pulitzer So why don’t we take a note from our past selves and live up our best girly-girl, carnival, end of vacation days this week with something sweet, lighthearted and fun? Let your forever-young, still-a-teenager-in-your-heart soul fly free this week! Are you ready for it? Then here we go! PS. This is a curated list that is meant to inspire you. I've added links to my fave products, but... You don't need to buy a single thing, if you don't want, and you can *still* use this list to inspire you! In fact, I bet you have many of things on here already in your home. So... use them! You do you. No pressure, just fun!
Cirque Color "Cool Blast" polish

Summer calls for a pretty pedicure.
Why not make yours a talisman to your younger wilder self?
I have been loving this nail polish "cool blast" by Cirque Colors' Candy Coat collection!
Not only is it ridiculously pretty, it's also a reminder to myself to be care-free & play more.
Click here to get it!
"Jelly Donut" Perfume by Color Noise

Now I'm a bit of a perfume snob. And there's nothing I love more than a luxury bottle. But this perfume by Colornoise is affordable (at $18 to $32) and the real deal. It smells EXACTLY like a jelly filled donut -- complete with fried vanilla dough -- & it's delicious. I reach for this regularly. Get yours here!
I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream

But, not just for any ice cream! No, no, no... your girly teen self wouldn't have it any other way than an ice cream sundae topped with rainbow glitter, would she? And this super cute Roller Skate Sprinkle mix by Sprinkle Pop Shop? It's the bees knees! Click here to get your own taste of the rainbow!
Your own Summer Romance

But this one is on film. So no heartbreak required!
And it's sweet enough to hit the spot for your tween self, but infinitely grown up enough to delight your adult self, as well!
Oh, and did I mention it has Pierce Brosnan in it? Yeah. And a very grown up love interest who looks like you & me!
It's also funny & charming!
Pick up the romance here!
And no movie is complete without...

Popcorn! Indulge in one of your favorite summery treats, but how about we snazz it up?
My fave adult way to enjoy popcorn these days is with Rosemary Oil & Truffle Salt!
It's the most addictive thing I've ever had on popcorn & I no longer eat it any other way at home!
Discover the magic here!
Get your Summer Girly Groove on!
Oops! You have to be subscribed to the FREE Newsletter to get the bonus, which was m7y fave summer playlist! But... No worries!
I hope you had fun perusing this list & dreaming a little about how you want to spend your last Carnival-crazy-but-so-fun weeks of Summer!
Wishing you loads of summer fun this week!
All my love,
Desiree Sommer
PRODUCT LINKS: I used and bought all the products myself, and never endorse something I don't love, but I do make commission off of some of the links. In this list the nail polish is an affiliate link. And you should know that! Now you do!

Desirée Sommer is an Interior Designer & Writer dedicated to helping those around her to Beautify, Style & make their lives Fun again! She happily resides in the rural beauty of Idaho with her pet pooch Bree, where she gets to take epic hikes, and plot her next big travel escapade. Her favorite things are traveling, film & anything French or Italian. Oh, and dancing! Always dancing!
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